
Please pray for my friend Mindy. I have not had the privilege to meet her face to face yet but we are only 40-something days away from that. She leaves tomorrow to move to the Children’s home in Kenya. She’s never been out of the country. Here are a couple things to pray for:

  • Peace on the flights
  • Strength for the travel from the states to the home

So jealous she will be there by this weekend, but I know my time is coming soon.


So I was lucky to have a girl named Mindy be in Kenya about the same time I would be. She is a couple of years younger than me but we are in the same boat. Being girls, 20somethings and single. I was ecstatic to get to spend some time with her. But then I wasn’t able to get a ticket until the end of June. So after talking to her today we realized that instead of having a month together, we will only have 2 weeks. Granted, she is getting there the second week of May so she will have about 6 weeks of experience that she can use when helping me get settled. But it was sad when we realized our time of friendship and experience was going to be so short.

Pray for Mindy, she flies out May 17th which is a month away. She has never been to Kenya, or even overseas for that matter. That first trip is crazy in so many ways. Please pray for peace for her and comfort in this new journey. And for a spirit of flexibility and an easily settled spirit for when she touches down in Kenya.

Please continue to pray for me, and for teams to take trips to Kenya. When the days are hard it helps more than you could know to have a familiar face from a familiar culture there with you to get through a tough day. Pray that other young singles would feel the call to come to Eldoret and help with these children. And would work in this orphanage. Please pray for a settled spirit for me. As the days get closer to take off I realize how much I have left to do. (First on the list is to get the letters out to you!) And I realize how much of a change this really is going to be in my short life. But I am excited too.